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The Testing Point is not on general release

The Testing Point has been developed to pioneer an effective way of breaking down barriers that prevent people from saying what really needs to be heard.

It is not on general release, it has been designed for use in organisations, but it’s definitely not a training film. It is a 75 minute drama accompanied by materials that take you deeper into the narrative, designed to engage, challenge and force discussion around some complex, characters, boardroom dynamics and business decisions.

We envisage it being used to promote boardroom and organisational effectiveness with board members, executive leadership teams and people who aspire to those roles, and, more broadly in bringing governance issues and organisational ‘values statements’ to life in on-boarding or other training.

The materials that accompany the film include:

  • Documents to expand on the events of the film (newspaper articles; an independent law firm’s review of what went wrong – and their recommendations for preventing a recurrence; board papers and minutes relating to a key board meeting shown in the film).
  • Suggested discussion themes to help clients make best use of the material.
  • Documents to help navigate the film (synopsis, character, breakdowns, timeline of key events).
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We would like partners to help amplify our efforts

Our main aim is to encourage change, but we cannot hope to drive change on our own. We need partners and early adopters to start demonstrating how open, courageous and honest discussion will help organisations behave in a way that aligns with their values and will prevent some of the toxic organisational failures that have become all too familiar lately.

Our Partnership Pack

When you order The Testing Point you will receive a pack containing:

  • USB key with the film in 4K quality
  • Another USB with the supporting material, including a Guide for Facilitators

In other words, much of what you will need to create a four-dimensional fictional case study with which to inspire debate on these vital topics.

If you would like to see a preview of the film and materials and discuss how you could use them within your organisation or incorporate them into your work, please get in touch.

USB Montage

We want organisations and educators to engage with us

The Testing Point is an entertaining drama, but it is not on general release. It has been designed for use in organisations to help people manage the barriers that hold people back from voicing concerns at critical moments and in high pressure environments.

If you would like to know how you can see the film and use the supporting materials, please get in touch and we will discuss your needs with you.